How Can I Increase My Height Very Fast | How To Increase Height Easily.


How can I grow taller?

Research shows there are two main things that determines your height: the one is genetics the other is environmental factors like diet. now around 60 to 80percent of your height is determined by genetics so you can't really do anything about it right but around twenty to forty percent of your height is determined by environmental factors and you can do something about your environmental factors that will help you to grow taller.

1. So I'm gonna give you a few tips to help you increase your height: have a balanced diet, so eat a lot of protein like eggs, poultry, soy, fish and good dairy products that help your bones grow healthy and also your muscles also eat more calcium that is found in food like green vegetables such as spinach, kale dairy products and so on and then get more vitamin D which helps bone and muscle growth in kids. now this is very important because if you do not get enough vitamin D then it can also stunt your growth and it can also cause weight gain in girls. now vitamin D can be found in certain foods like fish and mushrooms and even in some milks and you can also get it from the Sun so go outside a little bit more and let the sunlight do its job.

2. Exercise more. If you exercise a lot more in your teenage years then it can help you to grow taller. with proper supervision and just learning the right techniques, working out and just lifting some weights is safe for all ages so go and join a gym or a sports team just to get more exercise

3. Get more sleep, you actually grow a lot more when you sleep so if you're younger than 20 try to get between nine and eleven hours of sleep because getting in a good amount of sleep will produce more HGH which is your growth hormone.

4. Stop top using stuff that will stunt your growth there's a lot of people under the age of 20 that uses things that stunt their growth without even knowing it. like for example drugs and alcohol both of them are thought to contribute to stunt growth and hey just so you know there's a lot of people out there that believe if you use caffeine when you're young it's stunts your growth. that's actually just a myth yeah it's not true.

There's not enough scientific evidence that backs it up but steroids yes that can absolutely stunt your anabolic steroids inhibits bone growth in children and in teens as well it also lowers sperm count, breast size and even put you at a higher risk for heart attack. another example is smoking: now smoking or children exposed to second-hand smoking are also proven to stunt their growth so if there are some adults listening to this video stop smoking in front of your kids alright now some of you asked me hey can you increase your height after 18 well the truth is that for most people your height will not increase after around 18to 20 even if you do all these tips that I just talked about it's probably not gonna happen why well it's because your growth plates in your bones close near the end of puberty. the hormonal changes causes the growth plates to kind of harden or close and then it stopped the lengthening of your bones and that's why you cannot grow any taller.

• Now if you are still unhappy about your height what can you do? what are the options? 

1. Practice good posture if you have a bad posture you will look even shorter but if your posture is better stand up straight head straight you will look taller.

2. Try heels or inserts all you got to do is choose shoes with taller heels or add some inserts inside your shoes just to add a few inches.

3. Gain muscle to look and feel bigger because if you feel small in general lifting some weights to gain muscle can make you more bigger and give you more confidence.

4. Stretching and hanging it can reverse the compression of your spine making you slightly taller by one percent but only until your spine compresses again so it's not really a great tip but another tip is to style your hair up.

If you style your hair up it gives the impression that you're a little bit taller as well all right now some people might be happy with just some of these strategies but everybody is not happy of it so they resort to more extreme measures like medical treatments. now insome of these treatments they lengthen the bones of the lower leg but to methe se treatments are expensive and invasive. maybe that is why they are banned in so many countries as well. apart from these treatments there are other people who are looking into the treatments with the Growth hormone GH now although gh... well it works in children who struggles to grow but as far as I know it's not gonna really help adults but then again maybe you should just do your own research and look into it. now honestly guys I believe that finding a way to accept your height is a lot better compared to doing extreme measures. 

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